iD Software brands on Wii

iD Software brands on Wii

In a recent interview, iD Software's Steve Nix voiced his admiration for the Wii.

"I think the Wii is fantastic. I think it's great that Nintendo did something really unique with the control system. They've made it really more mass market friendly".

He also went on to say, although Wii couldn't handle their newer games which are heavy on graphics, there was a chance that some brands could appear on the platform.

"We've looked at what would make sense, some of our older technology, to get up and going on the Wii, because people have expressed interest in licensing tech from us that would be for Wii games. So we're still figuring out how we can do that. Some of our brands could end up on the Wii".

Older technology could be good news, because unfortunately iD's games have sucked for the last 10 years. I know what I'd like to see more of.

iD Software's last great game.

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Rob Jones

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Robert said:

What is iD Software, and what's this game called?


SeAmNiNjA said:

YES hopefully a doom 1 port with online multiplayer.


DragonFoxCoon said:

That would be a "Quake" game, and why haven't you heard of iD? Don't you remember "Doom"? And to the person who posted this article, haven't you played "Doom 3"? It rocked.


Locke2007 said:

@robert, ID software is the inventor of the FPS genre as it is today. Their most popular games they have made are the Quake & Doom series.


Freaknasty said:

I'd like to see some Commander Keen, I believe that's iD but that is REALLY old. Maybe they could do some VC games. But Commander Keen is sadly dead and will likely never come back.


DrDeath said:

It's called QUAKE! Under a rock lately?


Gonzo said:

Everyone admires the Wii. Who doesn't? And also, how are ID software games like? Anyway, it's good that a lot of brands are with the Wii. Even Six Flags!


soulbreather said:

Looks a bit like team fortress. Can anybody tell me whether there are any Wii games by Nintendo that have online yet? Or when Nintendo games will get online?


cmk said:

ID makes doom. I think. That could be doom 2?


medbluemetallic said:

Any relation to Stevie Nicks?


Master Foot said:

Didn't id software make Doom or some other FPS? If Nintendo would hurry up with online, then we can have an online FPS fragfest by the holidays. It shouldn't take that much effort for it to modify an older FPS engine to use on the Wii.

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Cody said:

One word. DOOM.


lews001 said:

LOL it's quake noob.


Grim said:

Looks up ID software, and that game is one in the Quake series, Quake 1 if I recall correctly.


Owlboy said:

ID software is a game software developer. The game is Quake.


Paul Keward said:

ID Software are famous for Doom and Quake series. I hope ID will not just do a direct conversion of Doom to the Wii, because I have played the Doom games to death on my PC. If they tweak the game this will be one of the greatest first person shooter on the Wii.

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ADAM said:

Quake 2.


Freaknasty said:

Quake and Doom is what killed commander keen, therefor I hate them although I never played them. When I say Commander Keen I do not mean the gameboy color version, I mean the classic amazing fun on PC.


Ekaj185 said:

Man, port Doom 3! That game was even better than Doom 1! Which was damn hard to do. Sorry all those hardcore Doom fans, but it's true.


Hey said:

I wish developers wouldn't just port older games to Wii, that's getting annoying.


Elementrat said:

Oh man, I'm really far down the comment list now. I've been grounded for a while. Anyway I was really hoping iD would make an original FPS IP, exclusive to the Wii. Maybe that's just wishful thinking now.

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aaron said:

MMMMM. Quake with Wii controls. I like.

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