NiGHTS 2 screens and info

NiGHTS 2 screens and info

A couple of days ago it was confirmed a sequel to NiGHTS was heading exclusively to the Wii. In a recent interview, Takashi Iizuka elaborated on a few details.

NiGHTS 2 will follow a similar storyline to the original and will feature the same children, Claire and Elliot. NiGHTS is still the main character, but will have many added acrobatic abilities.

In addition to single player, the game will include a 2 player mode and some special online functions. Some screenshots are going around too, but note these are scanned from a magazine so they're small and a bit fuzzy.

NiGHTS 2 screenshots

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Rob Jones

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lickwid said:

SWEET! I just hope it lives up to the hype.

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Nova said:

This has potential to both be good and bad. I for one love the story rich games, but I also enjoy some battle action. I was happy with Zelda for including the both.


Wiimaster said:



Ekaj185 said:

Ahh, I might. Never played NiGHTS.


Chaos said:

So, does that mean that this is more of a remake than a sequel?


Crimson Hawk said:

Thumbs up on graphics.


Quartzlcc said:

Yay, it's real! Finally, another NiGHTS game.


1st day Wii owner said:

It better not suck. We all know how next gen sonic is.


Master Foot said:

I have never played it but I still want to know what the hype is about. Rehashing the same Nights game would not be good so let's not get carried away by nostalgia.


Epsilon said:

April fool'd? Maybe?

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aaron said:

It's not an april fools joke. Graphics are good but would have to see it in motion to appreciate it. This may have been in development for some time as it was rumored the DC was going to get this ages ago. Never happened.


Saleck said:

My god, Sega best not screw this up.


Wiipaw said:

I heard the original was great, so maybe.

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