Valve talks kids game on Wii

Valve talks kids game on Wii

In a recent interview, Doug Lombardi of Valve Software expressed interest in making a Wii game, albeit for kids.

"There's a lot of people at Valve who are parents and would love to make a game for kids. We all play the Wii a lot and we think that the proper way for Valve to approach the Wii would be to make something cool designed specifically for it".

Valve are known for games like Half-Life 2 and Portal, so it would be a departure of sorts. This is only a possibility at this stage, nothing has been announced as yet.

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Rob Jones

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DKX900 said:

No! Listen to the gaming public Valve! There are more of us wanting to buy Portal than there are wanting to buy a kids game. You'll make more money that way. Use some common sense.


i need a wiieww said:

Cool. Anyway, this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist. LIE.


Wiipaw said:

This makes me so angry! I can hear the Sony fanboys laughing at us. Mocking us. In short, screw you Valve.


wiimaster said:

Screw that, make Portal and Portal 2 on Wii.


Cervantes said:

At DKX900: Your opinion, though completely true for the hardcore, is just as wrong for everyone else. The sad truth is that Valve would make tons more money on a kids game instead of Portal. As an example, look at Zack & Wiki, or Metroid Prime 3. Both are excellent examples of video game design. Both also sold horribly. Now take Carnival Games. This thing that has the audacity to call itself a game has sold over a million copies, more than MP3 and Z-dub COMBINED. So obviously, quality has nothing to do with how well a game sells on the Wii. If anything, it prevents a game from selling on the system. But I guess that's what you get when a video game system is targeted towards people who don't play video games.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

What, where's Portal or Portal 2, c'mon Valve take Big N serious, everybody doesn't mean kids. Wii still doesn't have a mature title balance.


Master Foot said:

Kids game? Just remove the blood from Orange Box and there's your Kids game.


Randolph the Grey said:

Why would Valve, who make some of the best games on the market, make a kids game on Wii? They haven't thought about this much, I presume. In other news, have you seen the Iwata interview when they ask him about storage problems on Wii? He says, "There are a small percentage of Wii owners who have had problems with flash memory on Wii. However, these are our most avid gamers, and we are currently developing a solution for their problems". Something like that. Anyway, it's awesome.


wiiboy101 said:

Valve's Wii love was obviously a fake, they're trying to call the world's most advanced forward-looking console a TOY. Funny how the very games they make would be greatly enhanced on Wii, great fps controls, 3d immersion controls, and graphics not far off the competition. This is an act of anti-Wii 3rd party nonsense again. Valve are guilty of Wii anti-hype, I have no more respect for them than epic games now.


BrothaZ said:

Wow be smart and make portal for Wii!


Wii Freak said:

Instead of doing something innovative, they make a kids game!?


Wiipaw said:

I get angrier every time I read this article! I have a great idea what they should do with the wiimote.


monkeylemur said:

Looks like there won't be cake, nor.. Gordon Freeman (accent on Gordon).


Plaugefiend said:

And this is how Nintendo gets screwed.


Wii Rox said:

I wish Big N hadn't even marketed Wii towards kids in the first place, I mean, that's a sony fanboys only true argument against it. C'mon ninty bring us more mature games. They don't even have to be violent, just make them a little more sinister, that's what made you and rare so awesome, like DK64, if you went back to your roots you wouldn't be undermined by companies like valve.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

On the other hand look at Ps2 and PSX 99% crap and they beat 64 and GameCube. Big N's created the true PS3 in marketing terms (Sorry Sony and Big N people but it's true).


Ultigonio said:

No. I want portal nau.


old big head said:

Do 3rd parties actually think that anti Nintendo standpoints will stop their domination. It's clear valve are Microsoft fanboying, kiddy games on Wii, they hate ps3s cell but x360 gets respect. I see a tad of American Jap bashing going on and ignorance to the importance of 3d motion play.

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