Wiimote LED mod

A mod to the Wiimote to change the color of the lights has been floating around, now some happy soul has posted up a tutorial on how to do it.

Wiimote LED Mod
Wiimote Modded LEDs.

Well, it DOES look pretty cool. If you're comfortable handling electronics the tutorial can be found here.

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Rob Jones

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Hey said:

It would be even better if the Lights flashed.


Ekaj185 said:

I'm making mine red.


quartzlcc said:

Hah, cool idea.


Wii Freak said:

I want green.


[RS]Omega Red said:

I ain't messin with mine. I'd probably break it. Though it does look pretty kewl. Maybe they'll start sellin em like that cause of the mods people are doing to em.


Master Foot said:

Look at the pretty colors!

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Liam said:

Looks pretty cool.


Econo said:

That's cool, I may try it.

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eric said:

I don't want to do that because it might mess up the wiimote.


Dont do it said:

Seriously changing the color is not worth you ruining your Wiimote.


Gonzo said:

I would make mine red instead of that blue I have on my wiimote.


lews001 said:

Electronically it should function EXACTLY the same after you do the mod, I.E. it should still flash. I'm about to graduate with my electrical engineering bachelors and from everything I've seen, LED's are almost always the same. They're just a version of a diode, which always requires the same inputs and constantly provides a .7v drop, whereas LED's always provide a 1.4v drop I think, but anyways, it should still flash.


Jason Pilcher said:

I might try that.


wiifan said:

If you want them to flash you'd have to put a 103 capacitor or a slightly larger capacitor in order to make it flash, but you will probably find out there isn't enough room for the capacitor to fit inside the wiimote. So I'd just stick to making my wiimote with different colors.


Gonzo said:

Mii too, I would make mine red.


Gonzo said:

I read how to do it. It seems too hard and you have to do a lot of things just to change a box color on the bottom of your wiimote. I would just stick with my blue. I don't want to take chances messing up my wiimote like other people said anyway.


lews001 said:

Too hard? Hardly. Anyone with even a small bit of technical expertise can easily solder and desolder circuits. Desolder 6 spots, solder 6 spots. That's it, quite possibly one of the easiest things you can do for modding it, besides putting a sticker on the mote.

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Mike said:

I want to do that to my Nintendo Wii but I really don't want to void warranty until it runs out.


Banana555 said:

I agree with lews0001, I went through a week in electronics class and they taught us how to solder. I modded my Wiimote just fine, it's fairly simple you just have to be careful with the small parts.


Tre' S said:

Well, I would really like to do this, but I have no clue how to solder. I really need to learn though.


Mnkay said:

Not as easy as you think. Very easy to screw up the LEDs. Less than 1 second to solder. Any more, the heat kills the LEDs. E.g 1 LED will be brighter than others. Sign of too much heat. I have done 1000s.


wez said:

This is easy guys, I spent loads of time doing xbox360 led mods for everyone I knew and people over ebay. All finished and led bright and working in like 3 mins, I became very quick at this and it became 2nd nature.


Corey497 said:

I don't understand you people that want to make them all the same color, if you're going to do it you might as well do it in the player colors.


Clever said:

That's sick as shit. I love how the led color corresponds to the default Wii colors for each player (1-blu 2-red 3-green 4-yellow) that was a great idea :D kudos.

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