Greenpeace still not lovin' Nintendo

Greenpeace still not lovin' Nintendo

The annual Greenpeace electronics report is out, gaming giants Nintendo have failed to impress again. They scored a shoddy 1.4 out of 10, the lowest of all companies tested.

Many of the worst faults came under the "E-Waste" and "Energy Emissions" categories. Microsoft didn't fare much better with a score of 2.4. A rare instance where Sony looks relatively good, they managed a rating of 5.1.

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Rob Jones

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Lay-Z Boy said:

I don't get it, I thought the Wii was the "greenest" console on the market.

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Nova said:

I think a lot of it may also be that there's just a lot of Wiis out there, meaning large production of plastics, electronics, etc. But still, I know that the Wii uses far less electricity than the other consoles, so I'm not so sure how it is they grade this.


Lokee said:

I don't get it either, Wii wastes the least power and doesn't seem like it has anything hazardous that the other bigger console may have. I get Xbox cause somewhere in Mexico there is a landfill full of red lights, ah how I dream of finding that place to show the world. One day. One day.


wiiboy101 said:

Greenpeace have a serious issue here. Wii is less power than gamecube, ps2 and xbox and gamecube was least last gen. x360/ps3 have high end laptop power drain, even desktop pc levels. DS in all forms uses way less than psp and in standby mode Wii is one of the best products on earth. THIS doesn't MAKE SENSE.


Darunia said:

Stupid Greenpeace. Ever heard of RRoD? Overheating Xboxes are the whole cause of global warming! Ps3? Just sucks. Both are bigger than the Wii, both overheat, and the controller batteries suck.


Lokee said:

They act as though the Wii produces Carbon Monoxide.


Superdodo said:

Greenpeace gave Nintendo a low score due to the lack of information, which is stupid of course.


Seba said:

Yep. Nintendo get bad hit! Greenpeace love Nokia and Apple.. didn't realize that. And don't know why?

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