Poll: Wii upright or flat

Do you keep your Wii standing up or lying down?
Vertical (upright)Result2024
Horizontal (flat)Result523

Total votes: 2547

User comments


david k said:

Yay I'm 16th voter, 75% upright 25% flat. That's 3/4 in case you didn't know. Anyway I am an upright kind of guy, looks better, though I bought a charger stand which is pretty cool.


Link Q said:

Vertical looks cooler.


Quartz said:

No place in my cabinet for it being vertical.


Fishmon said:



Andrew Rudloff said:

The Wii looks better Vertically.


CyberControl said:

I'm the 94th voter. Currently it's at 77.3% upright and 22.3% flat.


jskrdude said:

Horizontal. Stacks better, and looks better (at least when you have wireless gamecube controllers like me).


Nintendoof said:

Verticool. So cool.


JosephTheSquirrel said:

Vert yo.


Stinky12694 said:

Vertical, that way my dog doesn't break it on the floor and so I can put it next to my tv Also, ww, when are the awards going to be on?


BrothaZ said:

I keep mine vertical but it has trouble reading the disc sometimes. I hear that it's actually better for the Wii horizontal but vertical is so much cooler.


Wiiguy said:

Woot! Vertical all the way! Horizontal is good for Gamecube.


Tommy The Wii Man said:

Upright is so much cooler than horizontal.


shindrA said:

Horizontal as I have GC controllers plugged into the Wii. If the Wii is upright it will fall.


Scooby Jew said:

Definitely vertical. Horizontal makes it look more "real" and different from the way it looks in the magazines and what-not, but vertical is just the way to go. Period.


Col said:

I think the vertical restricts air flow. But I could be wrong.


Laura said:

Wish I could have it upright, it just looks neato like that. But if I have the gamecube controllers and card connected (and I use them surprisingly often) the thing has to be on its side.


Gonzo said:

The gray stand makes it look better.


eric ♥ wii said:

I think that flat looks ugly. But that's just me.


SSonic22 said:

Upright of course!


Super King said:

It fits perfectly next to my TV at school upright.


SSB4LIFE said:

Vertical for me (Upright). So far the score is 81.3% Vertical (Upright) and 18.7% Horizontal (Flat). YAY.


jez said:

I got charger stand too.


wiiboy101 said:

I prefer vertical, but due to my ex partners gambling problem, I was a victim of fraud. I found myself and my son requiring local authority help and were sent to a homeless centre. We had a small room, I set up my hdtv and Wii (not an expected sight amongst the homeless). On this information being leaked, every kid at the centre was in my room trying to get a go on my Wii. Some kid placed my Wii on an unclean floor face down and this resulted in deep scratches on the ATi graphics label and all down that side of my Wii. I was fmuing as there's clearly rubber mats on the reverse side or Wii to sit on. I'm now awaiting a house and have been temporarily placed in a city centre apartment where my Wii has been cleaned up and resides vertically next to the tv on a large dining table. Don't worry folks, we're ok and will be back on top soon. I just hate the waiting and the fact my ex partner still has my little girl in her care and she continues to gamble. The law doesn't apply to a female for some very bizarre reason. Oh I can get an open wi-fi signal at the apartment block and enjoy free wi-fi and internet ha ha.


vertical said:

I have one of those awesome gamestop LED fan stands.


Keranu said:

I've always had it placed vertically, but it would probably be better to place it horizontally.


DragonFoxCoon said:

I'm a practical guy. I can find more places to squeeze the Wii into when it's vertical. Thinking about looks alone, the Wii would look like some strange computer device laying horizontally.


i need a wiieww said:

I prefer upright, but then I have to have it vertical unless I want my Wii to be in the way. E.g be kicked around, stepped on. See my point?



I thought about putting it horizontal for a bit but when I set it down it looked messed up. So I set it back up, popped in galaxy and away I went.


hi said:

Flat is better because it is easier to to put in the games.


Eman said:

Upright is the best look for the Wii, but having to put it flat due to lack of space is understandable.


Pandawan said:

The only reason I have mine horizontal is because when I lived at my girlfriend's house her mum would always knock it over, no goddamn respect. But yeah so now it sits horizontal because I got used to it. I agree it looks cooler vertical too.



Don't care about how it looks here, I keep mine flat and the laws of physics say flat because cd dvd players are designed to run flat (face down). No wear and tear here.


Go FIgure said:

Same as Quartz; doesn't fit my cabinet in vertical. Otherwise I would've opted for upright.


Master Foot said:

I have it horizontal because of my setup.


links said:

Upright looks way cooler than flat.


Droopy said:

Upright and on the left.


TheBuggattiPenguin said:

I keep mine horizontal but with the stand on! It helps me know which way the games go in and it looks cool.

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Nova said:

I know a lot of people who have it horizontal. I'm surprised there are actually so little people here.


Roen said:

I had it upright, but changed it to horizontal, because it wouldn't fit the other way.


noneyaBswax said:

Upright rules. I'm voter #581. I use the Gamecube part of my Wii all the time and it never falls over.


Zippy said:

Vertical. Even though I have sometimes memory cards and gcube controllers it still works upright and it's so much cooler.


YellieBirdy said:

Mechanically it makes more sense to be flat. I choose flat.


Wii Freak said:

I would rather have my Wii upright.

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Juan said:

It doesn't matter for me, but I keep it horizontal so it won't tip over while my mom is cleaning, or when I pull my extremely short Gamecube controller.


?simoleans said:

I'm used to seeing it upright in all the commercials and stuff.


ToTaLgAmEr said:

For those of you who have problems with the Wii falling over while playing Gamecube, just go buy a Gamecube extension cord for the controller, I have one and it works fine.


wiiwii26 said:

It looks way cooler upright but my Wii always falls over. I think that's why most people have theirs laying down if they do.


Wii Freak said:

There are a lot of people on this site who come to vote. 816 people already.


2008 said:

Wiiboy that's so sad. I really mean I feel sorry for you.


Rock said:

I like vertical. It doesn't look right horizontal.


wiimoteman said:

I'm the 910th voter and it's at 78.9% vertical, 21.1% Horizontal. Wiiboy101, I'm sorry for your plight. I sort of know how you feel because my house burnt down last August.


Me said:

Mine changes depending on where I take it and if I'm using the GCN controllers. At the moment it is standing though.


wowza said:

It looks awesome upright! It also fits better.


I said:

UPRIGHT all the way baby! It looks very cool vertical and it's smaller.


wii addict said:

Upright is the way to go. All around awesomeness.


wii67 said:

There's like 1102 votes already! That's insane.


kate said:

I've met a lot of people with it horizontal. Just because they always knock it over, but personally I like mine vertical.


wii luver22 said:

I love the Wii either way. But I prefer it upright.


Wiiphyco said:

I live in an apartment with 4 dogs! Vertical works for me.


bunnyrabbit said:

I love the bunny next to this box! Me and the bunny vote upright.


ZombieKumquat said:

Vertical. That looks way cooler and easier to put the games in for me.


wiimaniac said:

When my husband gets mad playing the boxing game he has knocked over my system, so now it's flat.


awsum said:

With my setup I can have it either way, but I still have my Gamecube so it's just easier upright.


wiiobsesed said:

It looks thin and sleek when it's vertical! And totally BLAH when it's flat. Vertical is the only option.


WiiNinja said:

I would say horizontal if I were to take it with me (Portable Wii Screen), but at home it stays vertical.


irulewii said:

Wow I thought more people would do horizontal. I am changing back and forth, but probably vertical.


SPMmad said:

Depends. Downstairs upright (way better), in my room on its side eh. It's better upright and my room is gonna change for my Wii.


Jubby said:

1202 votes, with vertical at 79.5% and horizontal at 20.5%.


Lt11 said:

I have it flat. My Wii kept falling, but it's on my table.


wiiwii said:

I really don't care what way my Wii stands, just that I have it.


WiiFTW said:

Vertical, only way it will fit in my cabinet.

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Joshua said:

Mine is flat (horizontal) because it is more stable.


WiiNinja said:

This poll is interesting, but it's getting bland. Look at the odds: right now the votes are at 79.5 vertical and 20.5. It's pretty clear that more people have their Wiis vertical. I guess it's the "more official way" of placing it.


brendan said:

Vertical for me, Wii rocks.


Kawawachikamach said:

Easier disc insert when it's flat, but I use upright.


QJ said:

Many of my games have a 1/4 rev groove mark on them, I phoned Nintendo service, they said the Wii can get bumped easily when vertical and the laser will crash the disc. I had to buy a new Spider man 3, $25 so horizontal is the way to go.


Erica said:

Mine's horizontal because my dad's afraid my siblings and I will knock it off the entertainment center. If it were up to me it would be vertical, it looks cooler that way.


MrWii said:

I say it looks way cooler vertical.


mike b said:

Mine is vertical. It sits on top of my entertainment center and I have an ak47 next to it so nobody goes near it. It never gets any scratches.


Grant[[FerSure]] said:

Vertical ftw. Canny beat it! (Yey I used a scottish word ^__^ (Mostly cause I'm scottish)).


nintendo iQue said:

Mine is in the vertical stand. Classy.


blab355 said:

1686 votes, 80%/20% Vertical FTW.


abbas said:

It fell too much when I had it up vertically.


Glowboy said:

I recommend vertically, but every once in a while I come downstairs and see it laying flat, (little bro horsing around resulting in flatness).


Baronsilasgreenbac said:

Must be vertical for coolness.


DKX900 said:

Oh come on! Advertised as vertical, I'm not surprised 80% of us have our Wiis up. I certainly do because I've got a little gap next to my TV between the screen and the bookshelf.


CatsRock said:

Putting the Wii Console vertically is so much better that horizontally.


Wii Freak said:

2000 votes. That's a lot of voters.


Hot2Handle said:

I just want one! I'll figure how to place it when I get one! I'm more the practical guy and would try to find which way is better for cooling. Might only have place for it horizontally.


poodaddy said:

Yeah upright overall just looks better.


Skorp said:

Mine is flat because it doesn't fit upright in my tv stand. I'd prefer it to be upright.


Joewii29 said:

I've had it both ways but it falls over when I use a corded GC controller and it's much safer flat and can ventilate easier. I choose flat. I have it flat right now.


Tennindo said:

I like upright because it look better, but flat is safer. I take the risk of upright.


Lollerskater King said:

Lol Wii looks Mugly Flat but it works better. Why couldn't Nintendo make a stand 4 lying down the Wii on it's side? By the way all hail the Lollerskater King who Banished the Roflord to Rofland.


wii dude said:

Upright that's what it was made for, horizontal just looks awful.

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Nova said:

That's an interesting story, wiiboy. It would be weird to see a Wii and an hdtv in a homeless shelter though. Hope you can get back on your feet soon (p.s having a side covered in dirt and scratches would destroy me too).


smashbro said:

I only put it horizontally when I play brawl with a gamecube controller. I keep it upright the rest of the time.


Asta said:

Mine's flat, laws of physics etc. Marketed upright for a reason since more damage occurs to it that way, wear and tear to the console and disks, knocking it over resulting in more cash spent on them- that's what they want.

3 posts

spleefian said:

acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete without the stand at the bottom and sometimes it sucks since how i have my tv setup means that i have to position it sideways and then it just looks wrong

2 months ago

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