Poll: Wii U Poll

Are you getting a Wii U?
Wii U DeluxeResult191
Wii U BasicResult41

Total votes: 465

User comments

31 posts

Gabe171 said:

Going for the basic because white is more classy. Plus it sounds like a lot of us will need a hard drive anyway.

1 decade ago

6 posts

Chaz Demon said:

Gone all out and went for the Deluxe, can't wait to play Nintendo Land ^_^

1 decade ago

12 posts

edward said:

18 days till it is my Birthday :)

1 decade ago

1 post

Lizziath said:

Maybe I will get this very soon with Wii U Deluxe.

1 decade ago

1 post

ady04 said:

1 decade ago

2 posts

Reguzeeb said:

Can't afford any version of the Wii U at the moment.

1 decade ago

1 post

leon said:

how do you play we world

1 decade ago

3 posts

spleefian said:

seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just flat out saying a DECADE makes it feel so much... older? and it just makes me kinda sad too

2 months ago

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