Nintendo held a cocktail reception last night in which around a dozen participants went up against NoA's President Reggie Fils-Aime in Wii Sports tennis.
By all accounts Reggie was a demon at the game and beat everyone, including several professional gamers and members of the IGN staff.
Reggie beats Matt Casamassassassina at Wii tennis.
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
He's got Skillz!
Zendalf said:
What a last name.
LOL said:
Haha like the joke they made about Casa's last name. Reggie FTW!
nintendo wii said:
Man that last name is crazy. Reggie win.
Gonzo said:
He's the president of Nintendo of America, so he has to be the best, hehe! Damn, that last name is long.
cmk said:
Go reggie! I bet I could beat him.
Gonzo said:
Casa. Massa. Ssass. Ina! Wow! What is he giving him anyway?
Scooby Jew said:
Crimson Hawk said:
That is a bizare last name.
Master Foot said:
Matt is not worthy to even look the Regginator in the eye much less stand in his consecrated aura. He looks like an emasculated jester begging for scraps from his royal highness.
Spoonard said:
Gonzo, I think Matt is actually giving Reggie something. See, Reggie just kicked Matt's ass, and now he's taking his name.
Ekaj185 said:
Oh Regginator, your glory glows like an super saiyan 3.
B Darius said:
Poor Matt!
itstimetoplaydawii said:
I guess if you are the president, you would have a lot of experience.
~lollipopz~ said:
Oh! That reggie!
Hey said:
That's exactly what he said a while ago, Spoonard. Maybe it's Matt's business card.