Gargoyle's Quest | Game Boy

Published by Capcom, Developed by Capcom

Genres: Action (1 players)

3DS: Aug 25th, 2011 (US) | - (EU)

Gargoyle's Quest

Gargoyle's Quest Brings Big-Screen Action to Game Boy!

You are Firebrand-gargoyle and proud guardian of the Ghoul Realm. The Destroyers have returned to wipe out your planet... and they take no prisoners!

Use your breath of fire and your flying ability to combat the enemy. Fight heroically, and you'll recover stolen magic items that will strengthen you for your many battles.

Game Features:

  • Detailed Graphics set new standard for Game Boy
  • Fascinating new epic adventure story!
  • For 1 player only

Can you help Firebrand save his planet in time?

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