Portable Wii screen and projector

Portable Wii screen and projector

Accessory maker Dragon has just released a new portable screen for Wii, as well as a projector.

They're available on the Divineo website and have some pretty cool features if you're looking to go mobile with your Wii, or play on the wall.

Dragon Portable Wii Screen

  • 7 inch TFT screen.
  • 180 degree rotation on both axes.
  • Wireless sensor bar and speakers built-in.
  • Car adapter included.
  • No need for a video cable.
  • Docking bay keeps the Wii safe.

Screen details

Wii Projector

  • Projections up to 80 inches.
  • NTSC and PAL compatible.
  • Universal power adapter included.
  • iPod Video compatible.
  • Wii cable included, supports any video source.

Projector details

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Rob Jones

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User comments


Zendalf said:

Both items way cool. Probably buy one.


Super King said:

What exactly makes the projector a Wii projector? Seems like you could just use any projector to plug your Wii into.


Elebot said:

Nice. Probably won't get one but still nice.


][\/][aximillian said:

All I have to say is tight.


dec3issofaraway said:

Whoa. That's sweet.


SSB4LIFE said:

Sweet, I might get the screen for my car.


WIIII said:

ZOMG portable Wii, that's awesome.


BrothaZ said:

Wait, wait, woah woah woah. You're telling me the Wii is ALREADY going to be portable? I thought of that being possible in, like, 2010. DAYYUM.


jskrdude said:

The projector sells for $169.95. Pretty cheap for a projector, no? I wonder if it's any good.


Nintendoof said:

Nice addition, but on the go? How? There's not an electrical outlet everywhere you go.


DragonFoxCoon said:

As sexy as these gadgets are, I'll never buy them. I don't see myself traveling someplace that doesn't have a TV.


insultman911 said:

I'm going to dance right now and no one's going to stop me.


insultman911 said:

Play Wii on the go? Sweet.


Gonzo said:

Don't need it. But with that projector, you can play Wii extremely big.


GanonLives said:

Brightness and clarity will be the determiniting factor in purchasing a projector.


Kyle said:

About 5-10 years ago we travled to dozens of hotels over varying amounts of time here in Oregon and Washington and have discovered most motels/hotels do not have hook ups for the Nintendo. We tried bringing my N64 and 3/4ths of the places did not have the right plug ins in the back of the TV's.


Kyle said:

The point of my previous message is these portable screens can come in handy for hotels that do not have hook ups. I am not sure if hotels have changed much since then and I am not about to pay 5$ dollars an hour to rent a game on their service when you can find games that low for sale.

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