Burger King has Nintentoys

Burger King has Nintentoys

Burger King restaurants across the US are stocking a range of kids meals which include Nintendo themed toys. The characters featured are:

  • Mario
  • Yoshi
  • Princess Peach
  • Donkey Kong
  • Diddy Kong
  • Boo
  • Chain Chomp
  • Luma
  • Samus
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Rob Jones

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WiiNinja said:

Got to catch 'em all.


Linkman806 said:

That's weird I see burger king commercials that say they are giving Simpsons toys?

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Nova said:

Didn't McDonalds do the same thing like a year ago?


YoshLee said:

Cool I'm aiming for the Yoshi and Boo toys.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

What else is new, they made crappy Please Fix Me games too, who cares.


insultman911 said:

Mcdonalds is running out of ideas. Whenever they don't have anything, they just do barbie for girls and hot wheels for boys. It's so typical.


Peter said:

All Mario characters and then Samus.


It's me, the Wii said:

Nintendo is better than the hot wheels and barbie crap, right.


insultman911 said:

Now for McDonalds it's ponies and bionicles. I know what each one does, and I'm going for boo, yoshi and chain chomp. Actually, Wendy's first sold Mario toys, then McDonalds, then BK.

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