In a press release today the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) applauded the Wii for getting american kids off their fat asses and burning some of the flab (not their exact words).
Al Grant, an ISSA certified trainer commented "I think any gaming system that gets the users off the couch and moving around has obvious health benefits. I saw kids using the Wii in the mall and they were working up quite a sweat playing the boxing and tennis games".
Indeed, fitness has never been this much fun. Actually this is the first time fitness has been fun at all. Feel the burn! No pain no gain.
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Gonzo said:
That's so great. Everything is endorsing Wii now, Six Flags, and now ISSA. Wow!
Elementrat said:
Now all we need is a fitness game. Hehe beware my massive Wii-based biceps of doom!
Silly fat people Wii was made for you!
itstimetoplaydawii said:
Boxing gives me quite a workout. Anyone want to challenge me? 1700 right here.
Master Foot said:
If this does not help America's obesity problem, nothing will. Then again, all the crap that they put in the food is not helping either.
Ekaj185 said:
Yeah, I just bought a Wii. It'll be here on Sunday. And I'm gonna be in the best shape of my life!
Seamninja said:
I heard that on the news today too, I think that is pretty cool.
TDS said:
Eating potato chips while using the Wii makes the remote slippery too. This will help those chunkers lose weight!
Jason Pilcher said:
DDR was fun.
Chaos said:
The Wii might just well be the first console to eliminate our growing obesity crisis! We've become fat and lazy and now it's time to pay!
[RS]Omega Red said:
Most of the kids that are fat here are because the parents are fat and lazy and don't watch what their kids eat. Plus all those gawd awful eating contests *bleh*.
Gonzo said:
Boxing does give you a workout. Since I don't play Wii sports any more, I only have like 1000 points. I play LoZ:TP and it's fun.
cool said:
Awesome but the bad news is that the madness will never end. I have been looking for a Wii ever since last week and no one has one, they are all saying that I have to wait until March.
wii-mote dude said:
I saw a video on youtube that showed some guy playing Wii sports every day for 3 months. He apparently lost 10 pounds (you never know, though, he could've used photoshop).
BrothaZ said:
Another upside to Wii. No surprise. But it still makes me happy.
Stadifer said:
I've been getting a decent workout playing the boxing and tennis games as well. Even the baseball game when I put in the extra effort. The one that really surprised me was Tiger Woods 07! 18 holes of having to swing like I'm on the course gets the system going for sure.
TruBlu said:
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games comes to mind when I think Wii+ exercise.
A Guy said:
It would be better if those were the exact words. Get to the point without trying to be all politically correct.