Metroid Prime 3 and BW2 box art

Metroid Prime 3 and BW2 box art

Some heavy hitting box arts today. We have the US versions of the highly anticipated Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Battalion Wars 2.

Metroid Prime 3 box

Battalion Wars 2 box

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Rob Jones

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Ahmed said:

Doesn't Metroid support online multiplayer mode (Wi-Fi)?


pito said:

I want both NOW!


benito camelo said:

And where is the wifi conection logo in the metroid?


the console kid said:

Oh my god these look class. Want both.


jglaus said:

So excited for mp3.


Crimson Hawk said:

Now the Metroid box art is cool, and so is the second one.


Snow Miser said:

BW2 is going to be online!


TinyBoy said:

Looks like there is no online play for metroid, from what the box shows us.


Gonzo said:

Not getting Battalion Wars 2, but I'm getting Metriod Prime 3. That cover box is hot.


Yamato1 said:

Ah, sweet. Both good games I look forward to. I wish there was more information on both though.


Master Foot said:

Nice, but I kind of preferred the previous one for Prime. Although, this one better emphasizes the contrast between light and dark forces by using the planet and deep space backgrounds.


Zenda said:

Wow, I love them both! The box art of Metroid Prime 1&2 were really boring. It's a shame though that Dark Samus is just a mirrored picture of the real Samus, but darker.


Ekaj185 said:

Battalion wars is the best game ever.


Scooby Jew said:

Have they made a release date for MP3?


SuperDooper said:

It's cool how they made the BW2 box have the BW and the roman numerals undercased (ii). It looks like it says Wii, neat.


Jimmy said:

Anyone else notice that there's no Wifi Logo on Metroid Prime?! Wow! The plot holes.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

I wonder if BW2 is going to be multiplayer.


Hey said:

That MP3 box is one hell of a cover.


Master Foot said:

I didn't even notice that Prime 3 did not have a WiFi logo like BW2. Maybe Nintendo wants to surprise us with online, but Prime is less than two months away so I highly doubt it. At this point, Prime either has online or it doesn't. BigN has to give a reason as to why online was axed, they can't avoid it.


xXx said:

Scooby Jew, The release date is August/20/07.


wii rox said:

I think MP3 is August 20 in the States. Let's hope they get rid of the lock-on function in the online (if it has online). I don't really want lock-on at all with the new control system.


Wiimaster said:

Wait does MP3 have online?


Nuked Burrito said:

I'm sure by the time E3 07 rolls around in a couple weeks there will be a little blue sticker on the mp3 corruption box that states WI-FI! MP3 FTW.


ganondorfrules said:

Oh my god! They both look awesome, especially MP3.


BrothaZ said:

MP3 looks tight man. It's cool how bw2 secretly put Wii into the cover.


Fishmon said:

Isn't Dark Samus supposed to be blue, not black?


Franksy said:

AW, if you can be Dark Samus then I am 1st in the que.


4 swords said:

Mp3 is not online, they decided to focus on the single player mode instead. Though there will be a multiplayer mode. I cannot wait to get both but because I'm in the uk I'll get it later. I mean we don't even have super paper mario.


TheMetroid said:

No, it doesn't. Only Hunters.


Chaos said:

I think that the darker reflection of Samus represents an inner battle between herself as well as Dark Samus in the story. Anyway, lovin' the new box art.

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