Six weeks ago the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) banned Manhunt 2 from being sold in the UK. Manhunt publishers Rockstar are now set to appeal, hoping to overturn the decision.
The Video Appeals Committee (VAC) will form a panel and vote on whether or not to overrule the BBFC.
Good luck Rockstar!
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User comments
DragonFoxCoon said:
Not to be pessimistic, but I doubt that an overrule will happen. If the UK got all spastic over Mario Party 8 containing the word "spastic" and were spastic enough to deny it until after the fact, a game formerly rated AO won't make them any happier.
Scooby Jew said:
Uk vs rockstar! Fight.
wiiboy101 said:
MP Vaz, MP to Leicester city - PLEASE keep your nose out. Teens who kill do so out of choice and evil, not because they play games.
i need a wiieww said:
The UK got all spastic over the word spastic because it was a kids game with the word in it. This is not really a kids game so I don't think they'll take the same approach, do you? Thought not. Even though I couldn't care less about Mario Party, I hope this gets allowed. Not that I will get it because of my parents, but my cousin will probably get it somehow.
Jordan said:
I hope manhunt 2 will be released! It looks so good. C'mon bbfc, let us have it.
Splintercell4ever said:
NO! Not good luck Rockstar. Don't you get it. Violent video games are catalyst in crime and evil doings. Do you want another school shooting like in Virginia Tech. Do you want some homicidal maniac to run a dogfighting center like Micheal Vick. The only reason you want to keep games like this, is because you think its cool. So what you're saying is to let games released to trigger more tragedies. That's just sick. And to all you, who think that just because games don't have effect on you, everyone will be okay: Pay attention to history class, there are 6 billion other people in the world.
Wiipaw said:
You know, the first and second grand theft auto took place in London.
Duck said:
Games don't kill people, guns do. I play call of duty. I don't want to go out and shoot people. I played the godfather game. I don't want to go out and start my own mafia family and blow up shops and extort money from people. I've played splinter cell (crap by the way). I don't want to sneak around in the shadows killing people. I'm over 18, I should be allowed to decide what I want to play or watch in movies. Just because some brain dead kid wants to shoot up a school why should I be punished? Too many people are pointing their fingers at games and movies to blame for kids behavior. If a dog misbehaves, you give it a slap and it learns. Maybe it's time to start giving kids a slap every now and again. The way things are now sure isn't working.
Splintercell4ever said:
Good for you Duck. You haven't done any crimes. You haven't done any wrong doings. I guess you're just the "perfect" person. Except for one thing: apathy. The graves of the Virginia Tech students do exist, and whether you have seen them or not, you just don't seem to care, do you. And for your information, that brain dead kid, wasn't exactly brain dead, since he gained admission to Virginia Tech, which is actually a pretty good school. Even if it didn't make you a malefactor (or anyone of you for that matter) it sure changed you into one thing: a total dumbass. P.S. Anyone who thinks the Splinter cell series is crap is way out of their mind. Sam doesn't always kill people in the shadows, he can just subdue them too, giving you options (one of the contributing factors why the splinter cell series is one of the best in the industry). And if you hurt a dog, that only makes them more violent.
Duck said:
Did I say they didn't exist? Read my post again, I made a fact that people try to connect violent games with violent people. You total dumbass. Why mention virginia tech? I just said some kid shoots up a school. Could be any school anywhere in the world. So I suggest you pay more attention to posts instead of trying to make yourself look like a bigger tool. P.S. The character in splinter cell, Sam, isn't real so don't talk as though he is.
Erik said:
Why do you guys keep saying the UK got all spastic? Did the entire region get together and say, "Hey, we're the UK, and that nasty spastic business just won't fly here, buddy". No. It was the BBFC who made this complaint, not the entire UK, so be more specific with your statements because you're bordering on discrimination. And remember that the VAC is reviewing this decision, and the BBFC is only involved insofar that they will need to back up their original decision on banning the game. Personally, I think they need to come up with something a little more convincing than just "Ceaseless violence throughout". But hey, what do I know? According to the BBFC, I'm only a reasonable adult who apparently needs to have his hand held when deciding what games are appropriate to buy.
Splintercell4ever said:
Anyway Michael Vick, I mean Duck, why shouldn't people connect violence with video games. According to studies at Toledo, video games have more effect on kids than movies. Not mentioning Virginia Tech is total disrespect to those who attend the school. I'm not posting this to make myself a tool, I'm posting it because I know I am right. Finally, instead of complaining about not being able to play some stupid video game, be happy that none of the tragedies happened to you.
Duck said:
Not mentioning Columbine is a total desrespect to those who attended that school. Shall we just go through every school that has had a tragedy? Keep up the good work fighting to stop violent games you tree hugging hippy. Get yourself a nice game like mario party 8 and have fun.
Duck said:
Oh nice reference to Michael Vick too Splinter. Nice touch. Maybe next time you should look up Jonathan Lee Riches, the guy who has filed the lawsuit against Michael Vick. Makes me wonder if you related to Riches.
Splintercell4ever said:
Look bub, I never meant to get in an argument with anyone. I'm just pissed that some assholes were only worried about their "beloved" video games after the Virginia Tech tragedy. I mean, when that happened to us, we were extremely worried that someone we knew was harmed. I have some friends who's brothers and sisters go there. And thanks for the encouragement Duck. I will go fighting to stop violent video games, as I don't want another school tragedy. You may have not experienced it yet, but one day, you eventually will. And for the record, I am in no way related to Jonathan Lee Riches.
Duck said:
I feel sorry for you. Having that tragedy happen so close to you. As I've stated I didn't mention the Virginia Tech tragedy in my first post. You have your views I have mine. Maybe you should push for tighter gun laws. I don't live in America so I don't have first hand experience of the way you guys control your arms, but there is obviously a few problems there. I'm in England. We have started getting a gun culture. Kids going out shooting each other over pointless things. There's always going to be the bad element in every country in the world but I just don't like the idea of someone else telling me what I can and can't play/watch/do. Again I sympathise with you over the Virginia Tech tragedy.
Splintercell4ever said:
Thanks Duck, I respect that. In the second amendment, it says people have the right to bear arms, but some people disagree with that. I've actually played violent video games such as RE4 and Gun, put there is a difference between those two and Manhunt. The two former have you fighting bad guys, but in Manhunt your just killing random innocent people. Anyway, I'm sorry for calling you a dumbass. And finally, wherever you are, be sure to stay safe.
pc mad said:
By the way you don't kill innocent people in manhunt 2.
David said:
Honestly if you really think that games inspire people enough to kill each other then don't you think they are screwed up anyway?! You can't remove it just because a small minority might mess up because they can't deal with it. I'd rather they be rounded up and removed than have my freedom to choose taken away. Also if you really played manhunt you'd know you kill corrupt cops, murdering manics and gang members. Even if as in gta you kill innocents who cares, it's a game and it doesn't effect life. Maybe it's to do with your laws on guns or alcohol which are too high in my opinion.