Saki Amamiya assist trophy

Saki Amamiya assist trophy

Saki Amamiya is another assist trophy set to appear in Super Smash Bros Brawl, as revealed today by Sakurai.

In case you're wondering, Saki is a guy. He originated in Sin & Punishment: Successor to the Earth from the good old N64 days. To attack he uses the cunningly devised Cannon Sword, which is both a sword and a gun (duct taped together).

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EDD said:

It's a cool assist trophy.


EDD said:

I do wonder why you don't have no captons.


feb3isfartheraway said:

Thought it was a girl.


the smash master said:

Where'd the captions go?


Keranu said:

Wow, I never thought I would see a Treasure character in Smash Bros.


Nintendoof said:

WHAT. No captions?


divinityboy said:

No captions!? But that is one cool weapon he has. He would've been a good playable character.


Zumwan said:

No captions?


wiistorm13 said:

Looks ok but they are getting too many sword users. Advance wars guy looks good. Where are the captions?


SSB4LIFE said:

Cool, I remember this dude! He was good enough to be a character but I'm happy he isn't because it leaves room for more of my favorites.

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Nova said:

Okay. That doesn't look like a guy.


#1 Peach Fan said:

I have no idea who this guy is.


Wiipaw said:

Will you marry me, Saki? It's been so long.


Wiipaw said:

Oh wait, he's a boy? He looked very feminine.


Wiipaw said:

I thought treasure was on a budget (have you HEARD the other voices?), therefore I assumed he was a girl (just look at him!) and they ran out of female voice actors. Oops. But still, his game is sweet.


Aeth said:

Where are the funny comments? Well at least they are adding characters who didn't get to become playable as Assist Trophies to keep everyone happy.


sidkid004 said:

I'm curious to see how many people actually recognize this guy.


BrothaZ said:

He'll probably be playable in the next smash bros if there is one, but no captions?


Scooby Jew said:

How else would it melded together? Duct tape holds the universe together. And, I noticed there's no captions; Wii's World is getting lazy?


Nickhead said:

My my he sure looks like Cloud.


insultman911 said:

I can't see them comments.


DragonFoxCoon said:

I might check that game out.


DKX900 said:

What? No captions? That's one of the main reasons I come on here.


Elebot said:

I played Sin & Punishment once. If you understood anything that was going on, you're a better person than I. Yay Saki.


RisingPhoenix said:

Duct Taped together. Sometimes the comments this place puts before the captions are way funnier.


Aeth said:

You know, I often think it's a waste to make these new developments on the characters and then not use them again. I mean they totally redid Pit's looks and he's been unplayable for 16 years, I think they should make another Kid Icarus. Mario and Zelda have enough games, let the other not so well known characters come back with their own game.


Hey said:

This Assist Trophy concept was in Jump Ultimate Stars as well.


wiicloud9 said:

He's too good of an Assist Trophy to need captions.


Zendalf said:

If this awesome character steps aside for even cooler ones to be playable, there has GOT to be some friggen sweet players coming.


Senpai said:

Holy crap. I hope this means I get to see a cool update involving red, blue, or green. That would be wicked to play as the gunstar heroes.


Mr X said:

I fail again.


frogman said:

Yet another assist trophy that just runs around wildly slashing people with a sword or shooting a projectile weapon. It seems as though Sakurai's team really can't think of anything better.


Dark Star said:

Good point Aeth. This series probably helped save Samus with the original. It would be nice to see another Kid Icarus game. I can easily see the use of the Wiimote for a 3D adventure.


Aeth said:

Yay, they really need to expand to their other characters instead of Mario and Legend of Zelda. Those franchises already have games for the Wii, make one for F-Zero, Donkey Kong, and Earthbound. Ice Climbers and Kid Icarus haven't had a game in years. They are now bringing a batch of other franchises in which were only on the NES so work on those (Starfox and Kirby have games being developed for the Wii).

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