The latest Nintendo Power magazine brings news of a brand new Sonic the Hedgehog game (newer than Unleashed even), exclusive to Wii.
It's called Sonic and the Black Knight, for now anyway. There aren't many details to go on, except that Sonic will probably be wielding a sword.
So he was a werewolf, and now he's a knight. Right, ok. Guess what's coming next year.. "Sonic Tycoon". You heard it here first.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Mike said:
Argghhh! Sonic overload!
Seth said:
Oh yes, slow down sonic even more.
ff said:
Watch out! You should get a copyright on sonic tycoon. Seriously.
Darkrai said:
Whoa whoa whoa. They haven't even come out with Unleashed and that one for DS and they're already making a new one! Wait a second, is that Chrono Trigger?
WIIBOY101 said:
Sega's business decisions are let's say DERANGED, more and more low quality Sonic games. How about a full on Wii motion plus Wii graphics Virtual Tennis? How about Shenmue 3 Wii exclusive? How about a Sega Rally motion steering slide out rally race game with online? Sega Rally meets Excite Truck. Just because sonic olympics sold they have to go stupid with it.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Mario makes a better knight. There has always been a Sonic overload since the beginning, but every year? SEGA shoulda' just brought back Alex Kidd.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
It's Just a Flesh Wound! I think this game has potential, Sonic looks pretty kewl on the cover.
Wii Rox said:
DKL, I'm beginning to get the idea that you have a slight dislike for sonic, care to explain why?
Nintendoof said:
10 more Sonics and we'll have a conundrum.
Nintendo4ever said:
It's great! SEGA is sure bringing Sonic to life once again.
Crimson Fang said:
They also say he's going to have customizable power-ups or something.
insultman911 said:
Finally something different. Sonic needs to take a break from running around.
Sonic Phantom said:
Hmm, Sonic and the Black Knight sounds like a good title (a little normal, but not complaining). I'm going to keep my eye on this.
Mr Game & Watch said:
It looks like SOUL CALIBUR 5.
WIIBOY101 said:
People are posting good graphics news from mag pictures but I'm not going to put money on the table just yet. It's sounding like a typical sega gimping of sonic.
SSonic22 said:
You guys are too negative, Mario didn't need a water pumping thingy but did you complain? HECK NO! So you guys want a game where sonic collects rings and stays in green hill zone forever? Geez.
YoshLee said:
I've got to agree with diddy kong lover since Mario has actually wielded a weapon (his hammer). Still sonic looks pretty cool with that sword.
Master Foot said:
I have to admit that Sonic looks badass on the cover. If Sega wants to bring back Sonic, they should stop making mediocre Sonic games put the extra effort. I'm not a Sonic superfan but I would hate to see Sonic go down.
Quartz said:
I seriously still hope to god this is a hoax. This will be the last straw.
B Darius said:
Wow! Sega is doing all they can to get people back into the spirit of playing Sonic games. Keep it coming Sega! Hopefully Sonic Chronicles for the DS will be good.
Tennindo said:
Let's hope it's better then Sonic and the secret rings. In my opinion it sucked, yet I am a HUGE Sonic fan. What does that tell ya.
Supersmashdodo said:
I started to like Sonic until this came out.
Nintenjosh said:
Looks cool, secret rings was cool, this should be no exception.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
This would never have happened if Sonic Xtreme was released for Saturn.
Mr Game & Watch said:
Do I see Ghostbusters Wii and DS? Sweet! *Hopes Luigi is unlockable*.
i need a wiieww said:
What is this going to be? RPG? Fighter? They might even make it zelda stylish.
robotninjapirate said:
MY GOD they're digging the idiot hole deep, can you hear me down there, SEGA?
Wii Rox said:
I just got the joke with the picture, wait, that's not very nice.
Wii Rox said:
Although I'm a big fan of sonic, I have to admit this reeks of mediocrity. But who knows, maybe SEGA actually knows what they are doing.
Sonic Phantom said:
Like I said before, I would rather hold your judgment until you play the game first. You usually just bash Sonic's ideas whenever he has a new game announced. That makes you purists.
Iron Maiden said:
I think Sonic should tie that sword to his foot or something. I mean, c'mon, he runs around all the time. He must have a lot of leg strength. But take off the clown shoes first, heh.
Bobby Bob said:
Humph, this might actually be nice, but looking back at Sega's other console failures.. maybe not.
Wii Rox said:
I read that this is actually a sequel to SatSR but set in the story of King Arthur, so this actually is pretty logical. I withdraw my previous statement and am actually quite excited for this, as well as unleashed and chronicles.
Owsley said:
Sega needs to release Phantasy Star Online Blue burst and take advantage of wii's online capability.
robotninjapirate said:
Yeah. I guess I was wrong for saying that without all the info. I just don't like it when sonic has to have a gig, that's all.
SON of A Wii1-4 said:
Sega is just trying to follow Nintendo's lead. They want to make something new, Sonic has been all about speed. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but perhaps it is time for a new adventure. One that involves swords and knights, and not loops and rings.
Wii Freak said:
How many sonic games do there have to be?
Knuckles said:
I can't afford all these new sonic games! I'm just a kid.
MasterYoshi said:
Does anyone actually know if Unleashed is being released on Wii? If so, what's the PAL release date?
Wii Rox said:
Unleashed will be on PS2, Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360, and I believe it is being released November 18th internationally.
Wii Rox said:
Actually, it's being released november 18 in US, TBA november in EU, and december 18 in JP.
Sonic Rox said:
Sonic is the best! Why are you guys dissin' him so much? Sega's actually trying to make him better! And Wii Freak, how many Mario games do there have to be?