First Star Trek game on Wii?

First Star Trek game on Wii?

It seems like publishers Bethesda Softworks are getting into Wii development. Listings on Gamefly suggest that two new games are in the works.

The first is called AMF Bowling Pinbusters, probably safe to assume that one's to do with bowling.

Secondly is the more interesting Star Trek: Conquest. There's even a makeshift box art:

Star Trek: Conquest

Make it so. Engage!

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Rob Jones

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Master Foot said:

Set phazers to stun.


jskrdude said:

Star Trek was mostly before my time, but I'll still consider the game if it's good.


WolfKolf said:

RAWK. Warp factor 9 to the nearest store.


Quartz said:

This isn't the first Star Trek game. There was a Star Trek game on 32x, one of the many crappy add-ons for the Sega Genesis (AKA MegaDrive).


Jimmy said:

There was also a budget Star Trek game on PC. Can't remember the name of it, and I don't intend to look it up because it was very poor. Probably got a 3/10.


Zendalf said:

Duh it isn't the first star trek game. It is the first for the Wii genius.


Omega Red said:

Awesome. I'm such a trekie, but not the geeky dress up kind. And jskrdude, unless you were born in the 00's and you're like 7 it wasn't before your time. They still had new episodes on of different Star Treks through the 90's.


Samus to da MAX said:

Dude, Bethesda made the Elder Scrolls. That would be sweet if they made the last game in the elder scrolls series for the Wii too.


DragonFoxCoon said:

I agree with "Samus to the MAX" on Oblivion, but I don't think it'll ever happen. Those beautiful graphics would suffer. And as for the Star Trek game, the last time Bethesda made one, it wasn't too great; at least it had all the Trek captains do voices for the game.


richtanner said:

Okay, there have been roughly one billion Star Trek games since the dawn of mankind. I've TRIED to play most of them, and do you know what? The THREE games already published by Bethesda weren't that bad. Not PERFECT, but definitely not the worst Trek games out there. I WILL buy this game, and probably WILL enjoy it.


I82QB4IP said:

If the controls have good principal it might just make this better than all the Star Trek games around. The front cover makes it look like an RPG.


whiiz said:

God, I wish they would make a new Descent game for Wii, or at least PC, because Descent 3 rocked the socks. One of the cheats is Yummy Funyon!

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