Super Mario Galaxy was released a few days ago in the US, and it's really been setting the critics on fire (not literally). So far it's the most acclaimed game of the year, according to Metacritics.
Metacritics is a site that aggregates review scores from well known sources online as well as print magazines. Galaxy currently has a whopping Metascore of 98, beating down the likes of The Orange Box (96), Bioshock (96) and Halo 3 (94). This definitely puts it in contention for "Game of the Year", possibly even "Best game Ev4r".
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User comments
Fizzlo said:
Yeah! Looks awesome. Can't wait to get it.
Nintendoof said:
Great. SMG really deserves game of the year. But, Wii's World don't get ahead of yourself. Are you actually saying Galaxy is better than Brawl? C'mon.
sidkid004 said:
The critics don't lie. Oh, wow it smells like a burnt 360, better cool it down before it flashes red! My friends say the Wii is crap but yeah check the numbers. Better than the best on 360. The end all be all. Mario is back and he's ready to beat some Master Chief ASS.
Shadow said:
Mario deserves it.
Scooby Jew said:
Yeah, this game truly is great. Much, much better than Sunshine and Halo 3, and I'm glad to have bought it.
Quartz said:
Hah, that's good to know. But really, Bioshock above Halo 3? Sigh. Looks like grotesque games are largely accepted these days. I really don't get the whole "YAY GORE" thing. I may even pick up Super Mario Galaxy. That would be my second Mario game ever, and Super Paper Mario was pretty good. Twas fun. No real replay value though.
Wii Freak said:
I just got this game yesterday. All I have to say is that it's the BEST game on Wii! (so far).
crystal lucario said:
SSBB and SMG rock.
BrothaZ said:
Ooh that's intense. Beating halo 3, bioshock, and orange box. Wow. Well then I assume microsoft comes in at number 2. Heh heh. Sony.
insultman911 said:
Hmmm, I thught it would be brawl when it comes out, but galaxy sounds cool.
jr said:
Yeah, I got this game. It's awesome. I played until 12am on the first day, 2am the second day, and 2am last night. It's the best game ever made.
WIIBOY101 said:
It only shows the bioshock etc reviews are inflated by anti-Nintendo pro-Microsoft Americans. There's no way on earth those games innovate or play anything like a Mario masterpiece. It makes review scores pointless as they're clearly being abused by "idiot fanboys". Long load times, outdated controls and patch download requirements should be point deduction areas of reviews. The fact games like bioshock have such issues and dropping frames only shows you can't trust the biased reviewers. Mario runs like silk and is full of innovation, it deserves the score.
dave said:
Well, from the 40 stars I've collected so far, I think it deserves best game of the year.
wiicloud9 said:
Yeah! Go Mario.
Elebot said:
While I absolutely love Brawl, I definitely think Galaxy would deserve game of the year. It's just perfect.
rapzeh said:
"Best game Ev4r" [PS and xBox fanboys crying all over the place].
feb10isfartheraway said:
If Galaxy gets a 98, Brawl gets a 999 infinity.
SSB4LIFE said:
That's it, I'm getting this after I get Brawl! I can't wait.
Dayless Night said:
Very nice to see that the 360 is getting its power cord handed to it. I can hardly wait to see what Brawl on top of this and Metroid do to the pride of the fanboys of the 360.
Kiefah said:
I'm going to get the game in two hours!
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Anyone who says this game sucks obviously thinks it's just because it isn't about graphics or blood and guns. I mean gosh it deserves game of year. It will beat Ratchet/Clank, Master Chief, and Turoks ass. Hopefully it will be better or as good as Sunshine or 64.
Those poor retards can finally open their eyes and see what a true game is. They actually thought games like mario galaxy were the wii's weak spot. They said that it was not for hardcore gamers, but what do they mean by that - a game with bad words, killing, and nudity? I remember when a hardcore gamer meant playing hard games, or even playing many different types of games.
WiiNinja said:
I love it! I got it the day it came out.
EDD said:
This might be the best game for Wii. But when brawl is coming I bet half the fans of super mario galaxy will stop playing it and play brawl.
kareshi is black said:
The best game ever was Resident Evil 4 in my opinion.
hbh said:
I'll probably get SMG or SSBB once I beat OoT on VC. That's a lot of acronyms.
YoshLee said:
This is good news, I'm so glad I got the game the day after it came out.
Allen said:
Get this game! Seriously, I'm totally hooked on it, it is better than zelda AND paper mario combined. You will not be let down.
insultman911 said:
This is weird. One minute, Mario's saving the princess from space, the next minute, they're both beating the heck out of each other in brawl.
stevie said:
This game is wicked-awesome.
insultman911 said:
Mario sounds older in this game. I bet in brawl, they recorded some of mario's past voices and put it in brawl.
hbh said:
SMG can't be best game ev4r unless it beats brawl.
SON of A Wii1-4 said:
Every store I've gone to was out of galaxy.
RisingPhoenix said:
Brawl will wipe the floor with the rest of the games (and murder Halo 3). Galaxy, though good, would have to take a seat and let its Nintendo brother win.
Wiipaw said:
Hah! Since I pre-ordered, I not only got the best game ever made, I also got an awesome collectors coin with a certificate of authenticity. Yah, boiii.
The Yoshi Guy said:
It's Super Mario 64 all over again. Without the delay.
bill said:
I own it, and it's an awesome game. But it's pretty short. I beat it in a month.
yoshifreak said:
Best game ever.