Earlier today Ubisoft announced they have made a deal with OUAT Entertainment. The agreement is for the rights to distribute a video game of the hit cartoon series Totally Spies. The Wii version will hit the shelves in early 2008, while the DS release will be out for Christmas this year.
The show is currently France's most popular cartoon and widespread across the rest of Europe and the US. It features 3 girls named Alex, Clover and Sam, who I presume are spies. I've never seen it, but my gut feeling is 'no'.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Chaos said:
I watched the TV series and I don't see this game turning out too well.
Zendalf said:
Right... probably gonna skip that one.
Koen van Beeck said:
Seen it. Kind of stale of a show. And probably stale of a videogame. I mean, come on, what cartoon-based video game ISN'T stale? Also, the DS Totally Spies (Or was it GBA?) scored totally low.
Master Foot said:
Not that I watch the show, but I HATE it! It's terrible and this is why Saturday morning cartoons have turned to a LOAD. Do we really need a game about this show?
wii-mote dude said:
This is just going to be another bad movie-licensed game. I'm going to guess that the DS game will be a cheap platformer, and the Wii version will be a 3D version with a slightly different storyline. All movie games are pretty much the same.
Wii Freak said:
I watched it once. Never watched it again.
wiiman said:
This isn't a movie licensed game. This is based off a show, they might have made a movie but it is mostly a show.
Gonzo said:
I'm skipping this game.
BrothaZ said:
Wow. France has got to stop being weird.
Elementrat said:
Hey! There you are Koen, haven't seen you in a while. Yeah I watched the show for a while. It's pretty much a generic stereotype "Spy" show aimed at 7-12 year old girls. Like, totally!
cmk said:
Talk about hating. This game doesn't HAVE to suck. Movie and tv games aren't inherently bad, guys. Show some love.
Master Foot said:
Games don't always make good movies and TV series and movies rarely make great games. I cringe when I hear projects like these being announced. This may be off topic, but I would rather the Metroid movie to never see the light of day.
Crimson Hawk said:
Oh my gosh, please don't make this into a game! The show was stupid, and the villains are pathetic. It is a cheap knock off of Charlie's Angels!
Ekaj185 said:
My 5 year old brother was watching this once. It sucked.
Owlboy said:
I shudder at the thought of the gameplay. Not even the wii-mote can save this one. And that's saying something.
starbearer said:
I love Wii.
Hey said:
Like, totally spies! I saw that show. It's really weird when American TV producers try to mimick anime. This is a perfect example.
Crimson Hawk said:
Martin Mystery was made by the same producers as Totally Spies. Both shows look like cheap anime.
Wii Freak said:
What the hell's wrong with France? Why is this the most popular show?
Master Foot said:
Sacre bleu!
cool said:
Nooo why does this have to happen! That show sucked. It's like a cartoon version of charlie's angels. Stupid.