The Keep

Published by Cinemax, Developed by Cinemax

Genres: RPG (1 players)

US release date: Dec 20th, 2018 | EU release date: Dec 24th, 2018

The Keep

An old-school first-person dungeon crawler with a modern twist.

Powerfull rune magic. Real-time tactical combat.

Enter the Keep as an unsung hero on a quest to destroy the mighty wizard Watrys. Explore the dark and complex corridors, treacherous prisons and subterranean realms in this first-person dungeon crawler featuring real-time tactical combat, a unique rune magic system, and puzzle solving.

This game will awaken memories of what made old-school RPG dungeons so much fun to play while you fight, hunt for hidden treasures, avoid deadly traps, experiment with magic and solve complex riddles inside the dungeon.

Only the smartest will survive.

To defeat powerful Watrys, you need to level up your character carefully, be smart when dealing with enemies and look closely around you for hints and gear, hidden by your unfortunate predecessors.

Do you have what it takes to stand against such a challenge? Then don't hesitate and enter the dungeon. The Keep awaits you ...

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