Flight stick Wii accessory

Flight stick Wii accessory

Flight sim fanatics rejoice. A listing on a website called Renchi shows off a new flight stick accessory for Wii.

It's made by PEGA and is basically a plastic stand that the nunchuk and Wiimote slot into. Retailing at $12.99 it's the latest in a string of controller addons.

Wii Flight Stick

At the base of the stand is a suction cup, which lets it stick to flat surfaces. Ok if you do your gaming at a desk, but what about sofa dwellers?

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Rob Jones

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DragonFoxCoon said:

I'm no flight enthusiast, but I still think it's damned cool, and possibly enough to get me into a fighter pilot game.


Master Foot said:

I believe that we'll see what the Wii can really do next year. The only thing that may be an issue is the fact that the buttons are not analog.


Scooby Jew said:

Hmm, maybe strap a platform onto your thighs? Uh, never mind. That would be insanely uncomfortable and not worth the hassle. I guess just get a table in front of the couch then, it's not like that's a foreign idea. But the flight stick itself seems like a fairly good idea, but not revolutionary. I'm sure my step dad will love it.


KOOL-AID said:

God what don't they make.


F-zero x VC said:

A Wii Cereal-Chain.


wii rox said:

Before you know it, they'll have Wii Broom accessory, Wii eating utensil accessory and Wii Tai Bo accessory.


Garth said:

I'm confused. What does it do to help?

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