Published by Wales Interactive, Developed by Wales Interactive
Genres: Adventure / Puzzle (1 players)
US release date: Jul 24th, 2014 | EU release date: Jul 24th, 2014
Prices: $14.99 (US) | £9.99 (UK) | €11.10 (EUR)
Imagine a world where death is no longer final, where precious memories are saved to enjoy forever, where your soul is immortal, welcome to the Soul Cloud.
Upload your soul to our dedicated servers and relax knowing that a part of you will live on, for eternity. That favourite holiday, happy moments from your childhood, meeting that special someone for the first time. All these memories saved for your digital soul and your family to revisit again and again. The Soul Cloud - saving your past to secure your future.
Master Reboot is a first person psychological adventure horror game set inside the Soul Cloud. It's an exploration game with action and puzzle elements set across 34 unique environments. In the not too distant future they have created the Soul Cloud, a giant server that holds the data of your soul and memories when you die. The Soul Cloud is filled with floating islands, each island looks like a town; village or city filled with rooms, skyscrapers and houses that hold people's memories. To house your Soul, a family member (or yourself before you die) purchases an island on the Soul Cloud where the server will generate rooms, houses or skyscrapers that hold each and every memory from the deceased's past, or of memories of their choosing.
The game features a unique visual style, atmospheric soundtrack, intriguing story-line and slick adventure game action. Get prepared for upload......Where am I?.....Who am I?......It's time to piece your life......and death back together.
I'm beginning to notice a pattern among indie games as of late, that is, they always have a stellar, original, and memorable concept with less-than-stellar execution of said idea. Don't get me wrong, I play more indie games these days than I do in-store releases; I'd play full review
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spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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