Japanese Rail Sim 3D Travel of Steam

Published by Sonic Powered, Developed by Sonic Powered

Genres: Simulation (1 players)

US release date: Dec 7th, 2017 | EU release date: -

Prices: $19.99 (US)

Japanese Rail Sim 3D Travel of Steam

Simple, realistic railway driving!

"Japanese Rail Sim 3D "series is a game where you drive a train following instructions on speed limits, what time and where to stop at a station.

Let's drive a Steam locomotive!

Operate the throttle valve and brake with a simple touch, and experience how it feels to operate a real Steam Locomotive.

Control the "throttle valve" to accelerate, and use the notchless brake to stop at the stopping position!

The SL uses steam to run, so control of steam is essential.

Follow signals and speed limits to earn high scores from all stations!

Listen to the exciting SL sounds and proceed through the serene scenery!

Library which attracts the interest!

Japanese Rail Sim 3D's fascinating library of route information offers bits of knowledge and guidance about attractions around the stations.

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