An Interview with the developers of The Letter later today

An Interview with the developers of The Letter later today

What do you guys want me to ask them?

After asking "why" so many times throughout my review of The Letter, it should come as no surprise that I decided to get answers straight from the creators themselves, Treefall Studios, who have graciously agreed to an interview later today.

I have about ten questions or so that I'm going to ask them as-is, but I want to hear what you guys want to know! Yes, you, the readers and editors of Wii's World - you deserve answers just as much as I do. Write a question in the comments below, and I'll ask Eli Brewer from Treefall verbatim - uncensored, unabridged, literally your questions. I'll ask that you try to keep them coherent and at least somewhat civil, but don't be afraid to let your voice be heard! I'm accepting questions until 2 PM CST, and the Interview will likely be up by the end of the day. This saga of confusion is finally going to get resolved!

Follow me on Twitter at @NoBeanChiliCost, I'll accept questions there, too! But you only have until 2 PM CST! Get asking!

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Griffin Cost

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61 posts

Rob Jones said:

Can we get a sequel? ;D Who has the movie rights?

1 decade ago

8 posts

Matt Clewley said:

Waheeey, more interviews for the website!

1 decade ago

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