Sega have announced they'll be releasing their shooter Ghost Squad on the Wii later this year.
To my dismay, Ghost Squad isn't about tackling ghosts. It's to do with the special forces, a light-gun game where you shoot wrongdoers and defuse bombs. Up until now it has been an arcade release.
Ghost Squad on the Wii is said to support online play and up to 4 players at once. It's penned for release in Europe later this year. At ease.
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User comments
Splintercell4ever said:
That is not correct grammar. It should be: I am not afraid of any ghosts.
Quartzlcc said:
Sega, make good games. And yes, your grammar sucks.
Elementrat said:
This game was released in Arcades previously and the graphics in the Wii version are slightly downgraded. Do not expect the graphics to be anything special! They are very simple, however, the game looks like it is well put together and may end up being a sleeper hit. For everyone who still doesn't know what "On Rails" means, it means that the player is stuck to a pre-defined course to follow through the level. That's right! You cannot choose where to move. I will admit I don't prefer this game style but if you are willing to overlook that for the simple, classic fun of a light gun game this will probably be a worthy purchase for you. Just don't expect Ghost Recon.
Keelan said:
Spilntercell4ever, he's quoting from the Ghostbusters theme song :). Anyway, this game looks like it could be pretty good, I always love light gun games. Nice to hear it supports four players and online play too.
Wiimaster said:
Ghost squad? Misleading.
soulbreather said:
I've played this at the cinema near my house, it's alright.
BonbonJoe said:
Never really thought about this until now, but was there ever a Ghostbusters game? With the right elements it could be awesome.
SuperWiiDude said:
I think it's meant to be a play on words to the Ghostbusters theme song by Ray Parker. The "I ain't afraid of no ghosts" part maybe?
PHiRE said:
Yea BonbonJoe there was a Ghostbusters game, back in the 1980s when they were popular (for machines like Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC etc). It was good, for the time of course. Hehe @ some people trying to correct the grammar on this news.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I want some ghosts.
Kaos said:
I ain't afraid of no ghost is correct since the writer is trying to quote part of the chorus from the ghostbusters movie soundtrack. noob.
Splintercell4ever said:
Too bad, you should use correct grammar at all times. By the way, how long have you been on this forum. It is not right for you to call other people noobs when you just got here.
Elementrat said:
Miscommunications create flamewars.
itstimetoplaydawii said:
Yeah, I agree with superwiidude, phire, kaos; etc. If you say that those words above are bad grammar, you must've never seen the movie Ghostbusters, or heard the song before.
Chaos said:
If it was previously an arcade title, wouldn't it make more sense releasing it on the Virtual Console instead?
Elementrat said:
The file is probably way too huge to simply download. My guess is it's easily over 700 Megs. Sega also wants to release it at full price. It is being re-made for Wii. It isn't a direct port.
soulbreather said:
Well it wouldn't have a section, unless they made an arcade section.
Chaos said:
An arcade section sounds like a good idea.