John Moores University in Liverpool have been conducting research into the health benefits of the Wiimote versus a standard game controller. The findings are that on average, using the Wii results in 40% more calories burned.
This won't come as any shock to you if you've gone a few rounds in Wii Sports boxing. The research was headed by Professor Tim Cable, who suggests that regular with regular Wii use, kids could expect to lose 27 pounds a year (that's 12.25Kg).
Prof Cable commented: "Through our testing it is clear that the motion sensor-controlled console can make an impact on a child's heart rate, energy expenditure and the amount of calories burned. Research from GameVision's Consumer Intelligence Report shows that, on average, gamers in the UK currently spend around 12.2 hours a week playing computer games. Therefore, it is important to promote as much activity as possible during this time".
Get Wiiing fatboys.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Master Foot said:
Maybe the term "Sony fanboys" should be "Sony fatboys" for real. There's no real use for the sixaxis, so someone would be as sedentary playing a game without motion control. Wii will single handedly prevent that monstrosity pictured above from further destroying the youth.
wii-mote dude said:
Nintendo has found a cure for obesity. It's genius! If you get little kids exercising, they won't want to sit around and veg all day.
Crimson Hawk said:
Woah the pic is disturbing.
Wii Freak said:
I bet everyone at Sony is fat while Nintendo is slim.
Wiimaster said:
So microsoft is called mega lards?
Gonzo said:
That's what happens when you play with the sixaxis controller instead of the wiimote. Go Wii.
picky said:
Ewww! That picture is so sick! Gross.
BrothaZ said:
I agree, master foot. Well said. Fatboys should get wiiing. It'd be smart. Especially sony fans whom are fat and live with their mommies at 40.
Elementrat said:
The Wii is the Anti-McDonalds. Go there and get fat, come home and get-unfat playing Wii. It makes perfect sense. Finally, exercise is genuinely fun!
itstimetoplaydawii said:
I have to say I agree with Master foot. I actually think the PS, and PS2 have a HUGE cause on childhood obesity. When mothers try to get them away from their beloved black, or gray "machine of heaven" they sit there, pout, say no, talk back badly, or cry. And when moms take it away it wouldn't surprise me if they used violence to get it back. Instead of getting a workout, like us Wii players, they are just sitting there, wasting their lives and the pounds eventually add on. It's going to be the same thing with the PS3. I know that Nintendo did the same, but they are doing something different now.
soulbreather said:
Huzar for 6-packs!
Ekaj185 said:
HEHE, sony fatboys.
Owlboy said:
Playstation 3. Play beyond your waistline!
Hey said:
I went to Toys 'R' Us and tryed out the PS3. It was crap, and the Motorstorm demo (or any of the other demos) did not even incorparate Sixaxis. Poop.
fish play wii said:
I was playing Wii already.
Master Foot said:
HA! Mega Lards! By summer, I will be ripped, thanks to Wii.
quartzlcc said:
That's nasty. This site is starting to gross me out. STOP WITH THE DISTURBING IMAGES! RAWR.
Scooby Jew said:
Hell yeah, I know what you mean about the Wii Sports boxing thing. The first time I played it I thought "Well this isn't much of a challenge," but then I played about 4 more rounds and I was sore, ripped, and happy. Go Wii!
jooo said:
Wii is better than the ps3, seen that fat guy?
Luna said:
I guess Mario is going to be ripped for the next game.
Deadlyblack said:
Play Wii, get ripped! No need to go to the weight room. Play the Wii. Want to lose your sick hangover? Play the Wii. Ok I'm done with that. I think Wii Sports, Play, Mario Party 8 and Wario Ware Smooth Moves will be great games to lose pounds.
lexiwii said:
Oh my god that's so true, if I have a hangover a couple of games of tennis on the Wii sorts me out!