Bonsai Barber

Published by Zoonami, Developed by Zoonami

Genres: Simulation

US release date: Mar 30th, 2009 | EU release date: -

Price: 1000 points

Bonsai Barber

The village residents are hungry for the latest in foliage fashion, and it's up to you-the new barber-to fix them up. Use the tools of your trade: scissors, clippers, spray can, and more, in this humorous, first-of-its-kind "first-person-groomer" game.

Bonsai Barber features a colourful cast of twelve intriguing customers, including a temperamental shallot starlet (don't call her an onion!), an oddball strawberry boffin, a cactus cowboy, a daredevil carrot, and a suave banana with top-secret clearance and a license to peel.

Each day, five customers arrive to test your stylistic skill. If the customer requests a specific style, you'll plow that furrow, or you can rely on your expertise to pick from over thirty popular fashions... Or why not turn over a new leaf; be creative and see how they react!

They're a demanding bunch, so if you miss an appointment, you'll hear about it-on your Wii Message Board. But, if you do a good job, you may receive a gift or even a postcard from an exotic destination, as your happy customers travel to distant lands and show off their exquisite coifs.

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