Drill Sergeant Mindstrong

Published by Xseed, Developed by Xseed

Genres: Party

US release date: Jun 22nd, 2009 | EU release date: Feb 19th, 2010

Price: 800 points

Drill Sergeant Mindstrong

Welcome to the army, Maggots! As a newly-enlisted cadet, your brain will be challenged by the toughest Drill Sergeant around, to see if you are worthy to wear the camouflage, or if you should crawl home like a Princess.

Once players enroll in boot camp, they must instantly choose between two modes of gameplay - 'Focus Training' and 'Basic Training.' Regardless of the path the new recruit chooses, they will suddenly be thrust into life as a lowly Private, playing a variety of brain-intensive mini-games to advance their brain power and rise up the food chain to Sergeant, Lieutenant General, and eventually Field Marshall.

Players be warned, however; Drill Sergeant Mindstrong is here to ensure your boot camp experience is everything but a walk in the park. When players fail to answer questions correctly or do not answer in a timely matter, the Drill Sergeant's anger level will increase. Once his anger has reached its limit, the Drill Sergeant is not afraid to embarrass players by making them do punishments right there on the spot.

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