Skater Cat on 3DS next week

Skater Cat on 3DS next week

Whiskers and kickflips coming atcha

If, like most people, you enjoy cats and skateboards, Teyon are releasing a 3DS game that should be right up your street.

Skater Cat promises non-stop side-scrolling action where Ollie the cat jumps and rolls his way through over 25 levels.

Here's the trailer:

Skater Cat will be available from the 3DS eShop on March 27th in both North American and European regions. Priced at a mere $4.99/€4.99 respectively.

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Rob Jones

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65 posts

danfango said:

I'm guessing that the cat auto-runs (skates) and you just control the jumping. Seems ok, I hope it's as good as the Gnomz games.

1 decade ago

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potterhy13 said:


8 years ago

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potterhy13 said:


8 years ago

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