
Published by Nocturnal, Developed by Nocturnal

Genres: Adventure

US release date: Dec 7th, 2009 | EU release date: Nov 26th, 2010

Price: 1000 points


In Flowerworks, the player takes the role of Follie - a friendly (but confused!) alien who crash lands on the mysterious planet Elilia, whilst transporting a cargo of Flowerworks seeds to her Aunty.

As Follie ventures away from the wreckage of her ship, she finds the planet to be unacceptably lacklustre and her self-confidence is shattered! She must explore the planet, rebuild her confidence, and unravel the mysteries of Elilia. By recovering her seeds and growing Flowerworks, she can transform the planet from drab to fab!

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Curious and addictive, Flowerworks by Australian Nocturnal Entertainment is a colorful WiiWare title that fits right into the crowd of similar curious, addictive and colorful games that already populate the WiiWare catalog. This point isn't brought up with negative attitude, it...read full review

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