Disney's Meet the Robinsons has no review on Wii's World.
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spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Noah of Nintendo Bunker said:
And the Robinsons are who now?
BlankZero said:
Noah, have you ever considered shutting the hell up? If everything you have to say is negative, try not saying anything at all. It might sound cliched, but it's advice you need to follow. I haven't heard you contribute one piece of anything that can be construed as constructive criticism, instead opting for borderline-flaming and unsupported bias. Get the hell over yourself.
Someone cooler than you said:
BlankZero, I can see why you're mad at NoNB, but he didn't say anything negative about this game.
gimp said:
Is this another movie based game?
J.J said:
Is this like a really high tech version of the Robinsons where they live in a tree house? That film?
Hey said:
This doesn't look like a movie based game, gimp. The Swiss Family Robinsons was set on an island.
wii thing said:
I really don't want to meet the robinsons. They scare me to death :(
balletgirl 3.0 said:
I like think I read that book once; it was about magical unicorns getting high on "fairy dust" and "Puffing the Magic Dragon" in a yellow submarine.
Hey said:
Why are you talking about Beatles songs. And the Beatles themselves?
quartzlcc said:
Funny balletgirl 3.0, that was hilarious. Anyway, this game. The graphics are okay, but the gameplay? Who the hell knows!
ganondorfrules said:
Guys I have to tell you this but balletgirl 3.0 was right about what she read. When I was 3 or 4, like 11 years ago now but I have a strong memory, there was a show that encouraged drugs and the show was called "Puff the Magic Dragon".
wii-mote dude said:
Pretty good graphics. Wow, a game based on a TV show might actually be good. Of course, it's on the wii, so it has to be awesome.
ladeda said:
Who are the robinsons? And where did they come from?
DarkVic said:
It's these dumbass games that make people change their minds and buy playstation.
ladeda said:
That is so true. I mean why still make Disney games that can be this dorky? It would have had more zing if it was Disney meets the Deathmors or something along the lines of that.
Epsilon said:
Wait, who are these guys? Anyone know? I mean, if this is Swiss Family Robinsons, I thought that they were trapped on a deserted island or something. Who knows, this could, and by could I mean it's very unlikely, turn out to be a game to watch out for.
ladeda said:
Come to think of it in those pictures they look almost like the incredibles in different costumes.
Must..have..wii said:
DarkVic is right, but I have a theory! All of these third party games are going for Wii because they think Nintendo is making another Gamecube. So I'm thinking that once they realize how freakin sweet the Wii is, they will move on to the Xbox360 and publish the crap they make for Microsoft! Thus, leaving the Wii alone to distribute the great games it deserves, and bringing down Microsuck in the process! Everyone wins.
wii-mote dude said:
Microsoft is at least trying to mooch off of us, instead of stealing our technology. Cut 'em some slack. And by the way, if Disney decided to make a game with actually decent graphics then it must be at least okay. Just be glad it's not another game made from a Dreamworks movie, those are ALWAYS the worst.
Unknown said:
This game is based on Disney's newest movie "Meet the Robinsons". Though it doesn't seem that the movie is made by Pixar so you know it's not going to be really funny.
stinky12694 said:
Disney should stop making games based on movies. I mean some of the movies are good, but that property of good game = good movie only works on horror and action movies. And on occasion movies based on games are good.
mong said:
What is the of the song in the trailer for MTR. I know it's 'it don't mean a thing', but by who?
Scooby!_Jew said:
Great. GREAT! Another Disney game, that's just what the Wii needs! Not. The Wii is supposed to be innovative, not a Disney-lover's system. Yeah, I know that Nintendo announced that the Wii is going to be "for everyone", but 1 Disney game is far too many. As far as I know, the Wii has more than 3 Disney games- That's just unacceptable right there. Nintendo, take my advice: Stay away from Disney, there is nothing good in that direction. Try to get Rare back instead of letting Disney make crappy, no-profit games on your perfect system. I'm sure that Microsoft isn't going to let Rare go down easily, but after Nintendo's Wii launch and the DS's incredible success they have money left and right. Oooh, maybe if they get Rare back they can make a sequel to Goldeneye (not Perfect Dark).
Iza said:
I may be wrong. But for all those asking 'who are the robinsons?'. Have ya'll ever heard of an old TV show and a recent movie called Lost In Space? With a giant robot yelling "Danger! Danger Will Robinson!" well, I think this is that, but how did disney get the liscense? Oh well, they should have made a lost in space game along time ago.
cornholio said:
Looks sort of like the new TRON but Wii-ified.
Hey said:
Iza. How dare you use that screenn name! Every time I come across the real Iza in Zelda. She makes me feel funny inside! There, I said it! Anyway, like I said about TWO MONTHS AGO, The Swiss Family Robinsons was a Disney movie. This game is probably based on a hokey space remake coming out this year.
trentonWii said:
They can't get rare back. It's microsoft, they own most or all the stock. When they make a game now it's part of microsoft gaming studios. But even though there are disney movie games coming out, it doesn't mean there will be less shooters or mature games. It does though make the systems audience a younger age, I will admit but there are a lot of shooters coming out to balance the system. This isn't a 360 all games gore. It's a system for everyone, a lot of companies are trying to join the Wii bandwagon and make some money so stop insulting a company. They make kid games and they do a fine job.
Ian C. said:
I don't even want to watch the damn movie.
Crimson Hawk said:
Movie. Stupid, but funny. The game not very many people would buy this game, unless they loved the movie.
cman said:
This game looks cool. This probably from the same creators of the incredibles. I mean look at the style.
DarkVic said:
Robinsons, Meet bad ratings.
zeldarules said:
Doesn't this look like the incredibles to any of you? It does to me.
Luigi said:
Yeah it sort of looks like the incredibles.
Nova said:
Looks fun but most games based on kids' movies are bad.
christie said:
Looks great can't wait to try it .
Albino Jedi said:
This game is based on the movie "Meet The Robinsons" you weirdos. I saw the movie and it is hilarious, and kind of cool too. I might think about getting this game, if it has a good gameplay and length. You guys should really try getting out and seeing this movie, you will like it a lot. Enough with this "Swiss Family Robinson?" stuff, this is new.
Unknown said:
Okay, first, it is a kid's movie, and kid's game. Those of you who are bashing it, please remember it wasn't made for you. My son loved it. You had to think and reason things out. However, there is one spot that is impossible to get through. My son is 8 and beat several games already. And he gave up. My husband and I tried it, and there is no way a child could have EVER gotten past this part. It's a cute game. FOR KIDS, but they almost made it too hard.